Harini Rajagopal is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Language and Literacy Education. Harini is interested in multimodality, family literacy, early literacy in early childhood education and early primary education settings, critical literacies, cultural studies, identities, socio-emotional aspects of learning, researcher reflexivity, and child-centered methodologies in research.
Her SSHRC-funded doctoral study seeks to examine how young immigrant children in early elementary grades use their multiple resources to combine and reflect the cultures of their countries of origin and those of their new homelands. Her interest is in the hybrid meaning making patterns offered by the creative blending of a variety of languages, identities, cultures, technologies, artistic techniques, modes, and discourses, and the possibilities that open up when children need not depend solely on their knowledge of the mainstream language.
Supervisors: Drs. Maureen Kendrick (LLED) and Jim Anderson (LLED)
Committee: Dr. Marianne McTavish (LLED)